#1 - Air
The first Bossic Element has a fairly basic effect: it causes its victims to be propelled upwards and backwards as if caught in a massive gust of wind, with the propel amount depending on the strength of the Element. The Antielemental counterpart of Air is Earth.
The specialized Boss weapon of Air is the Cannon of Air, which simply fires an Air-powered feather along with making a piercing squawking sound and blowing away mobs that were near the player firing the cannon. Also, the Boots of Air give the player wearing them a high level of jump boost. Trust me, it's addictive and you will form a dependence quickly.
The specialized Boss weapon of Air is the Cannon of Air, which simply fires an Air-powered feather along with making a piercing squawking sound and blowing away mobs that were near the player firing the cannon. Also, the Boots of Air give the player wearing them a high level of jump boost. Trust me, it's addictive and you will form a dependence quickly.
#2 - Flame
Elemental Flame also has a simple effect. Those affected by it are lit on fire for approximately twenty seconds for "shard" strength, thirty for "block" strength and forty for "sword" strength. The Antielemental counterpart of Flame is Water.
The specialized Boss weapon of Flame is the Cannon of Flame, which fires a Wither skull-like projectile that has a bowtie that creates a large explosion upon striking a block, along with igniting any unfortunate mobs that were standing too close to the firing attacker! Also, the Greaves of Flame--complete with a bowtie--grants constant fire resistance to the wearer of those fine pants!
The specialized Boss weapon of Flame is the Cannon of Flame, which fires a Wither skull-like projectile that has a bowtie that creates a large explosion upon striking a block, along with igniting any unfortunate mobs that were standing too close to the firing attacker! Also, the Greaves of Flame--complete with a bowtie--grants constant fire resistance to the wearer of those fine pants!
#3 - Mystery?
The effect of Elemental Mystery? is similar to that of Air, except that it doesn't knock the victim backwards... usually. In fact, the direction that the affected ones are thrown is highly random and really adds disorientation to the danger of fall damage shared by victims of Elemental Air. The Antielemental counterpart of Mystery? is Knowledge..
The specialized Boss weapon of Mystery? is the Ring of Mystery?, which has quite a unique ability. When the user right-clicks while holding it, so long as he/she is on the ground, the user will be teleported 50 meters into the air, with a high level resistance status effect to keep reimpact from being lethal, along with enacting Mystery? upon all mobs that were near the player's previous location. What an exit! Also, the Chestplate of Mystery? gives the wearer the haste status effect all the while while wearing it. Try sayin' that a few times with haste, eh?
The specialized Boss weapon of Mystery? is the Ring of Mystery?, which has quite a unique ability. When the user right-clicks while holding it, so long as he/she is on the ground, the user will be teleported 50 meters into the air, with a high level resistance status effect to keep reimpact from being lethal, along with enacting Mystery? upon all mobs that were near the player's previous location. What an exit! Also, the Chestplate of Mystery? gives the wearer the haste status effect all the while while wearing it. Try sayin' that a few times with haste, eh?
#4 - Agony
Agony. Painful, painful Agony. The effect of this Element is, naturally, pain. Through a custom damage source (which means a special death message!) the victim is dealt four points of damage with "shard" strength, five points with "block", six with "sword". The Antielemental counterpart of Agony is Anesthetics.
The specialized Boss weapon of Agony is the Agonizer's Mini-Gun, which shoots Agonized arrows and Agonizes the shooter's surroundings as well for good measure. Also, the Helmet of Agony gives the user constant absorption, of a level that adds a full row of ten hearts that resets each and every tick. That's right! That means that a player wearing the Helmet of Agony must take OVER TWENTY POINTS of damage ALL AT ONCE in order to get so much as a SINGLE SCRATCH!
The specialized Boss weapon of Agony is the Agonizer's Mini-Gun, which shoots Agonized arrows and Agonizes the shooter's surroundings as well for good measure. Also, the Helmet of Agony gives the user constant absorption, of a level that adds a full row of ten hearts that resets each and every tick. That's right! That means that a player wearing the Helmet of Agony must take OVER TWENTY POINTS of damage ALL AT ONCE in order to get so much as a SINGLE SCRATCH!
#5 - Radiation
One of the only Elements that doesn't have a Boss group, Radiation gives the targets the radiation poisoning status effect, with the duration thereof dependent on the strength of the Elemental power. The Antielemental counterpart of Radiation is Stability.
The specialized Boss weapon of Radiation is the Infused Iron Bucket, which, along with granting immunity to radiation poisoning by the wearer, also gives some toughness as well, but only when it's raining out. Otherwise, you're literally wearing a bucket on your head. Good luck finding your way around.
The specialized Boss weapon of Radiation is the Infused Iron Bucket, which, along with granting immunity to radiation poisoning by the wearer, also gives some toughness as well, but only when it's raining out. Otherwise, you're literally wearing a bucket on your head. Good luck finding your way around.
#6 - Change
Not satisfied with an animal's species? That's all right! Just go and Change it! Elemental Change will take a chicken, cow, donkey, horse, llama, mooshroom, mule, parrot, pig, rabbit, sheep or wolf and turn it into a random other animal from the list above. The Element can also change the profession (but not the trades) of a villager, zombie villager or mutant villager, and also will randomly tweak the direction the mob is facing. The Antielemental counterpart of Change is Stubbornness.
The specialized Boss weapon of Change is the ChangieBow, which shoots--you guessed it--pizzas! The flying pizzas will affect those it impales with Change, though if they land on a block instead a pizza block is placed. Careful when eating or breaking pizzas: it can get real messy!
The specialized Boss weapon of Change is the ChangieBow, which shoots--you guessed it--pizzas! The flying pizzas will affect those it impales with Change, though if they land on a block instead a pizza block is placed. Careful when eating or breaking pizzas: it can get real messy!
#7 - Old Age
Didn't you know that Old Age is an Element? The victims of the Shard of Old Age experience a status effect that simulates old age, that is, they get slower, weaker and have a lower max health, which gets lower the stronger the Elemental power is. The Antielemental counterpart of Old Age is Youth.
The specialized Boss weapon of Old Age is the Walking Stick. This giant (DOUBLE SIZED!) diamond-tipped cane is great for giving your enemies (and all the young little whippersnappers) a good whackin' and a taste of what it's like to be walking in your socks and sandals.
The specialized Boss weapon of Old Age is the Walking Stick. This giant (DOUBLE SIZED!) diamond-tipped cane is great for giving your enemies (and all the young little whippersnappers) a good whackin' and a taste of what it's like to be walking in your socks and sandals.
#8 - Chlorophyll
Elemental Chlorophyll. How has nobody ever thought of this before? When a mob or player gets struck by it, a danged grass block gets placed on the mob or player's head! Meanwhile, whatever was previously worn up there, whether it be a leather helmet, a pumpkin or the Helmet of Agony itself, gets knocked off as a loose item, and the poor victim must remove the grass block to get that noggin protected again! But hey, don't complain too much! That there is free grass blocks: no silk touch needed! Wait! There's more! If the victim happens to be standing on a grass block, a pit 15 blocks deep will be dug beneath the poor sap! Don't worry, though, for obsidian and bedrock are enough to block the dig. The Antielemental counterpart of Chlorophyll is Blood.
The specialized Boss weapon of Chlorophyll is Da Bat. Yup. Go bang bang on folks' heads to get 'em green and knock those zombies surrounding you down below.
The specialized Boss weapon of Chlorophyll is Da Bat. Yup. Go bang bang on folks' heads to get 'em green and knock those zombies surrounding you down below.
#9 - Ice
Now, this one's real cool. Elemental Ice freezes people. Who'd have guessed it? Specifically, it gives the status effects of slowness, mining fatigue and weakness--the durations thereof depending on the Elemental strength--in such levels that walking, mining and punching do absolutely nothing. Frozen dudes can jump though, so there's that. The Antielemental counterpart of Ice is Vapor.
The specialized Boss weapon of Ice is the La Den Gå, which absolutely is not a reference to anything. This cool cannon shoots ice crystals which can make ice bridges, ice sculptures, ice walls, and frozen entities.
The specialized Boss weapon of Ice is the La Den Gå, which absolutely is not a reference to anything. This cool cannon shoots ice crystals which can make ice bridges, ice sculptures, ice walls, and frozen entities.
#10 - Electricity
Elemental Electricity will blow your minds. Indeed, it will certainly shock you. Electricity will make thundery noises and cause damage to the targets, the type of which depending on the weather, with Electricity in the thunderstorms actually summoning a bolt of lightning! The Antielemental counterpart of Electricity is Insulation.
The specialized Boss weapon of Electricity is the Energizer. This just may become your new favorite toy, along with the Cannon of Flame, for when an Energizer bolt hits the ground, BOOM LIGHTNING KAPOW!
The specialized Boss weapon of Electricity is the Energizer. This just may become your new favorite toy, along with the Cannon of Flame, for when an Energizer bolt hits the ground, BOOM LIGHTNING KAPOW!
#11 - Thyme
Do you have the time to learn about Thyme? This Element is certainly one to spice things up in the world of Bossdom, but this stuff ain't for cooking. Quite the contrary, Elemental Thyme uncooks things that are in a player's inventory or a mob's hands. For example, cooked meats become raw meats, ingots become ores, bricks become balls of clay and stews become just empty bowls. Quite a loss it would be if you got struck by Thyme with blocks of diamond in your inventory, since they'd all become diamond ores, reducing your precious stone portfolio by 900%! The Antielemental counterpart of Thyme is Parsley.
The specialized Boss weapon of Thyme is the Thyme Bomb, the only Boss weapon that is a block. Just place a Thyme Bomb, prime it with a Bit of Thyme, and step back. That's about it for now, I'm afraid.
The specialized Boss weapon of Thyme is the Thyme Bomb, the only Boss weapon that is a block. Just place a Thyme Bomb, prime it with a Bit of Thyme, and step back. That's about it for now, I'm afraid.
#12 - Love
Hey there, beautiful. Wanna go out sometime to learn about the wonders of Elemental Love? If you blast a breedable animal with the Element, it'll make it in love. Also it'll make it and any other mob really attracted to you, causing it to lunge forward with a heart full of serenades and poems, even if it's facing the edge of a cliff! What do you mean I'm not your type? The Antielemental counterpart of Love is Hate.
The specialized Boss weapon of Love is Hairgel. When worn on the head, you will have the hair of the Charmer himself, and your fellows will love that so much they'll be affected by Elemental Love just by being near such a fine toupée!
The specialized Boss weapon of Love is Hairgel. When worn on the head, you will have the hair of the Charmer himself, and your fellows will love that so much they'll be affected by Elemental Love just by being near such a fine toupée!
#13 - Athletics
Hey, mon, when's the next big game? Elemental Athletics is such a nasty, sweaty Element. I really don't get what the big appeal is. Whoa, somebody threw a ball towards another person. Let's go beat up somebody who wanted the ball on a different side of the field as we did, because sports. Yay! Catching Athletics will get you real tired, with mining fatigue, hunger and a negative level of jump boost. Maybe you should've stretched beforehand? The Antielemental counterpart of Athletics is Academics.
The specialized Boss weapon of Athletics is the Racket. Whack a dude and the dude plus your surrounding dudes will get all tired. Cool.
The specialized Boss weapon of Athletics is the Racket. Whack a dude and the dude plus your surrounding dudes will get all tired. Cool.
#14 - Death
Yep. You heard me right. This Element is Death. If a mob gets struck by it they will most likely experience old age, but there is a small chance (unless the victim is undead) that the mob will just be struck dead on the spot. Yep. And the chance of death increases with the Elemental strength. By the way, this is the same dead-striking that is performed by the /kill command, which means that Elemental Death can kill even players IN CREATIVE MODE! Also, a ghost will occasionally spawn above non-undead victims. The Antielemental counterpart of Death is Plutonium.
The specialized Boss weapon of Death is the Necromantic Staff. Another double-sized item, this giant, sword-tipped stick will enact Death on those it whacks and those that are nearby. Plus, it looks super extra lit.
The specialized Boss weapon of Death is the Necromantic Staff. Another double-sized item, this giant, sword-tipped stick will enact Death on those it whacks and those that are nearby. Plus, it looks super extra lit.
#15 - Speed
The other Olympian Element is Speed, which simply gives its victims the speed status effect. Not too bad, right? Perhaps not, if the level of the effect wasn't ONE HUNDRED! Boi, y'all gon' have a lot of hardship getting precisely where you wanna go, yeah? The Antielemental counterpart of Speed is Mercury.
The specialized Boss weapon of Speed is the Psi Sai. Get it? This inky, psi-shaped sai is great for stabbing people you want to constantly pass over their intended destinations and such, and you can also put it in the crafting table with a couple of feathers to make it throwable!
The specialized Boss weapon of Speed is the Psi Sai. Get it? This inky, psi-shaped sai is great for stabbing people you want to constantly pass over their intended destinations and such, and you can also put it in the crafting table with a couple of feathers to make it throwable!
#16 - Holiness
Just because Bossdom is indescribably corrupting doesn't mean you can't still be a Saint! Elemental Holiness gives the targets levitation and weakness for a period dictated by the strength of the Elemental power. The Antielemental counterpart of Holiness is Unholiness.
The specialized Boss weapon of Holiness is the Nunchucks, which whack people and make them float and things. You know, nothing you can't find in any monastery.
The specialized Boss weapon of Holiness is the Nunchucks, which whack people and make them float and things. You know, nothing you can't find in any monastery.
#17 - Milk
Remember the Elemental effects of Thyme? Milk does something similar, except that it empties container items in the inventory, such as buckets, bowls, minecarts and books. No use fighting the Milkman with splash potions! The Antielemental counterpart of Milk is Soy.
The specialized Boss weapon of Milk is the Big Bone Club. This huge bone is very large and high in calcium, sure to deplete anyone's stash of beverages!
The specialized Boss weapon of Milk is the Big Bone Club. This huge bone is very large and high in calcium, sure to deplete anyone's stash of beverages!
#18 - Evil!
Does this Element go too far? Elemental Evil! is quite the prankster! For one thing, it removes most beneficial status effects from its victims! Gasp! It zombifies villagers just like that! Yikes! It turns most animals into... llamas! Oh save us all! And that's not all, either. There is a miniscule chance that, if a player is affected by Evil!, his/her inventory will be cleared. Not emptied like Elemental Milk does. Everything. Will. Be. Gone. If that ain't evil, I don't know what is. The Antielemental counterpart of Evil! is Goodness!.
The specialized Boss weapon of Evil! is the Evil Spellbook!, which casts evil spells that enact Evil! on whomever they hit.
The specialized Boss weapon of Evil! is the Evil Spellbook!, which casts evil spells that enact Evil! on whomever they hit.
#19 - Luridity
Oh, you're gonna hate this one. I mean, really, really hate it. All Elemental matter made from Luridity is complete eyesore and when struck by it, any armor the victim was previously wearing is knocked free with a full set of leather armor in their places, along with a bout of the luridity status effect, which for each tick changes each piece of leather armor being worn to a random color. It's like an eye-assaulting disco floor of psychological pain. Oh, and the victim has to listen to the Quadcorn sing, which is not something you'll enjoy in the least. The Antielemental counterpart of Luridity is All Things Pleasing to the Eye.
#20 - LORE
This is it. The Element created by combining all 19 of the others: LORE! Elemental LORE, quite simply, is instant kill. Shoot a mob or player with the Shard of LORE and, so long as the mob or player is not immune to LORE, the mob or player will instantly die. However, unlike Death, LORE cannot kill players in creative mode. The Antielemental counterpart of LORE is IGNORANCE, which is not present in the mod.
Elemental LORE also has another use. If a player is affected with LORE but is immune, all Elemental matter in the player's inventory will convert to Antielemental matter, including Summonors! Also any Antielemental matter will convert to Elemental matter. It is important to note that because there are not any Antibossic weapons, Boss weapons when converted to Antielemental matter will instead become a stack of Antishards or Antibits with the amount equalling however much matter went into that weapon.
Now, the effects of Antielements are different from the effects of Elements, for while Elemental power affects the victims negatively, Antielemental power is actually beneficial for the affected entity. For example, while Chlorophyll makes you fall down, Blood places a slime block beneath you if you are in the air. Agony harms, Anesthetics heals. Milk empties your buckets and books, Soy fills them randomly. Also, along with being able to be shot out of Antishards, Antibits can also be used by themselves to hit mobs, and by so doing the player that hit the mob is given the Antielemental effect.
Elemental LORE also has another use. If a player is affected with LORE but is immune, all Elemental matter in the player's inventory will convert to Antielemental matter, including Summonors! Also any Antielemental matter will convert to Elemental matter. It is important to note that because there are not any Antibossic weapons, Boss weapons when converted to Antielemental matter will instead become a stack of Antishards or Antibits with the amount equalling however much matter went into that weapon.
Now, the effects of Antielements are different from the effects of Elements, for while Elemental power affects the victims negatively, Antielemental power is actually beneficial for the affected entity. For example, while Chlorophyll makes you fall down, Blood places a slime block beneath you if you are in the air. Agony harms, Anesthetics heals. Milk empties your buckets and books, Soy fills them randomly. Also, along with being able to be shot out of Antishards, Antibits can also be used by themselves to hit mobs, and by so doing the player that hit the mob is given the Antielemental effect.