The Mod of the Agonizer for Minecraft JE1.12.2
Last updated November 14th, 2024, as v2024.11.14.1
(The link to download the Mod of the Agonizer is found on the bottom of this page.)
(The link to download the Mod of the Agonizer is found on the bottom of this page.)
The Mod of the Agonizer is a mod for Minecraft: Java Edition, version 1.12.2, created by 27dudek27sep27, Spudtsar, LitteHawkSimeon and TheAgonizer22, using mod-making software MCreator.
The idea out from which the mod grew to what it is now was conceived in the summer of 2014, in which four new "bosses" were added to the game, each based off of one of the four of us and each bearing an elemental shard of power: the Litte Hawk, Boss of Air; the Great Flame, Boss of Flame; Phyn Mysterius?, Boss of Mystery?; the Agonizer, Boss of Agony. Now the mod contains 19 Bosses (not to mention the 19 Antibosses), with the goal of summoning and defeating each one to collect their Shards and then combining them to create the Shard of LORE, thus becoming the 20th Boss, known as the Lore-Keeper.
The Bosses are summoned by crafting special Summonor items, then right-clicking a block with the item to spawn the Boss, which will then proceed to attack players and villagers--and other Bosses of Mōtia--by shooting Elemental matter at them out of the Shard in his/her hand. If a mob or player strikes a Boss 5-7 times before the next time the Boss attacks, he/she will "flip out"! That is, for ten seconds, the Boss will rapid-fire Elemental matter in any and every direction while being unable to be hurt in any way. So stab in moderation!
When the Boss is finally defeated, a Bossic Shard is dropped, but you won't be able to shoot out the power just yet! First you must put the Shard in your crafting grid to create Boss Crops, which can be planted in dirt or grass and can grow up to five blocks high! When harvested, each Boss Crop block will drop nine Boss Bits, which are equal in Elemental matter to one Shard, and can indeed be crafted into one, but Bits are more useful than that! After all, it is the Bit that gets shot out of the Shard! Remember, when setting up your Element farms, be sure to always have at least one full Shard set aside somewhere in case you lose everything else, since absolutely nothing can be done with any less than nine Bits until you summon another Boss and kill 'em.
Now that you've got a good supply of Shards n' Bits, what now? You could just have one Shard and keep the rest of the Element in Bit form so you can shoot yourself up a bunch of zombies or villagers or whatever it is upon which you like to force your power. You can find a description of all the Elements and what they do in the mod in the page above entitled "The Bossic Elements", so you've got a dozen or two various ways to show them big-noses who's Boss. Or, you could save up your Shards to make Bossic items and blocks that put forth even more power!
Boss blocks: crafted with nine Shards each, Boss blocks are huge chunks of pure Elemental Bossdom that affects any that walk upon them with their respective Elements (more powerfully than shooting with Shards) and can only be harvested with a Boss pickaxe made from Shards of that Element, or from Clatts containing that Element.
Boss ores: crafted with one Shard and eight stone blocks (netherrack for Flame, End stone for Mystery? and bone blocks for Agony), Boss ores really have no use in a normal Survival world, and are mainly intended for use in making adventure maps, for when mined with a diamond pickaxe, they drop a Shard! Cool, right?
Boss swords: Boss swords are crafted with one stick and two Shards, and can really pack a punch! You thought that the Elemental effect of walking on Boss blocks was strong? The swords are stronger, and on top of everything else deal +10 damage! Good luck against a player with one of those!
Specialized Bossic weapons: each Element also has a special Boss weapon, whose nature is different for each one; some stab, some are fired, some are worn. Furthermore, most of them also enact a small Elemental burst upon surrounding mobs when used, so you've got some good power right there, eh?
Clatts and the Shard of LORE: 18 of the Bosses of Mōtia belong to a group of Bosses; the Great Four Bosses, the Heroic Bosses, the Hungering Bosses, the Bosses of Yore, the Masculine Bosses, the Mythological Bosses and the Parental Bosses. Clatts are basically super Shards that combine the two or four Elements in a particular Boss group into one superpowered item. The Fourboss and Parental Clatts are crafted with one of each Shard in the group, while the others are crafted with two of each Shard in the group. The Shard of LORE, with the Elemental effect of instantaneous death upon the victim, is crafted with one of each of the seven Clatts plus a Shard of Radiation, which doesn't have a Boss group. Select textures by Rayele.
Now, another concept in the mod that I would like to share with you I call "Bossic immunity". It is the ability of a player or mob to be immune to the effects of any Element, dependent on having certain items in the inventory or equipment slots. It's really quite basic: if a mob or player has any block or item that contains Elemental matter (Bits alone aren't enough, neither are Summonors, which technically aren't even made of Bossic Elements at all), that mob or player is not affected by that particular Element. Boss armor items have to be worn to contribute to immunity. Also having a Clatt or an item made from Clatts grants immunity to all Elements contained in the Clatt, and possessing Elemental LORE means immunity to all Elements, even LORE!
Another sort of immunity attainable in the mod is immunity to radiation poisoning, a harmful status effect which spreads from one mob to another that happens to be standing too close to the initial infected one. What happens with immune folk? They can still have the status effect, but it cannot deal them damage, and while it can still spread to other mobs, infected mobs cannot spread it to immune ones. How does one become as the immune folk? There are three ways to do so: 1.) Wear a full set of infused iron armor, with infused iron ingots being crafted using an ingot of iron and eight uranium ingots; 2.) Wear the Infused Iron Bucket on your head, which is the specialized Boss weapon of Radiation--no other armor necessary; or 3.) Have in your inventory Esmeralda, Dr. Flamestrike's girlfriend, which is a 50/50 chance drop from King Yelwisernguma, Boss of Radiation.
And now, the moment y'all have been waiting for! The downloading of the mod! Keep in mind that the mod is still in progress, so while it is very much playable and already has many fun features which can potentially grant hours of amusement, there is still plenty room for possible new additions, changes and bug-fixes. If you see any perceived bugs, have any suggestions for additions or changes, or simply want to comment or complain for some reason or are having issues installing and using the mod (remember, it's for MC release 1.12.2) please email me! The mod is currently playable in tongues such as United States English, United Kingdom English, Pirate Speak, Esperanto, French and even Mōtian, the language of the Bosses of Mōtia!
The idea out from which the mod grew to what it is now was conceived in the summer of 2014, in which four new "bosses" were added to the game, each based off of one of the four of us and each bearing an elemental shard of power: the Litte Hawk, Boss of Air; the Great Flame, Boss of Flame; Phyn Mysterius?, Boss of Mystery?; the Agonizer, Boss of Agony. Now the mod contains 19 Bosses (not to mention the 19 Antibosses), with the goal of summoning and defeating each one to collect their Shards and then combining them to create the Shard of LORE, thus becoming the 20th Boss, known as the Lore-Keeper.
The Bosses are summoned by crafting special Summonor items, then right-clicking a block with the item to spawn the Boss, which will then proceed to attack players and villagers--and other Bosses of Mōtia--by shooting Elemental matter at them out of the Shard in his/her hand. If a mob or player strikes a Boss 5-7 times before the next time the Boss attacks, he/she will "flip out"! That is, for ten seconds, the Boss will rapid-fire Elemental matter in any and every direction while being unable to be hurt in any way. So stab in moderation!
When the Boss is finally defeated, a Bossic Shard is dropped, but you won't be able to shoot out the power just yet! First you must put the Shard in your crafting grid to create Boss Crops, which can be planted in dirt or grass and can grow up to five blocks high! When harvested, each Boss Crop block will drop nine Boss Bits, which are equal in Elemental matter to one Shard, and can indeed be crafted into one, but Bits are more useful than that! After all, it is the Bit that gets shot out of the Shard! Remember, when setting up your Element farms, be sure to always have at least one full Shard set aside somewhere in case you lose everything else, since absolutely nothing can be done with any less than nine Bits until you summon another Boss and kill 'em.
Now that you've got a good supply of Shards n' Bits, what now? You could just have one Shard and keep the rest of the Element in Bit form so you can shoot yourself up a bunch of zombies or villagers or whatever it is upon which you like to force your power. You can find a description of all the Elements and what they do in the mod in the page above entitled "The Bossic Elements", so you've got a dozen or two various ways to show them big-noses who's Boss. Or, you could save up your Shards to make Bossic items and blocks that put forth even more power!
Boss blocks: crafted with nine Shards each, Boss blocks are huge chunks of pure Elemental Bossdom that affects any that walk upon them with their respective Elements (more powerfully than shooting with Shards) and can only be harvested with a Boss pickaxe made from Shards of that Element, or from Clatts containing that Element.
Boss ores: crafted with one Shard and eight stone blocks (netherrack for Flame, End stone for Mystery? and bone blocks for Agony), Boss ores really have no use in a normal Survival world, and are mainly intended for use in making adventure maps, for when mined with a diamond pickaxe, they drop a Shard! Cool, right?
Boss swords: Boss swords are crafted with one stick and two Shards, and can really pack a punch! You thought that the Elemental effect of walking on Boss blocks was strong? The swords are stronger, and on top of everything else deal +10 damage! Good luck against a player with one of those!
Specialized Bossic weapons: each Element also has a special Boss weapon, whose nature is different for each one; some stab, some are fired, some are worn. Furthermore, most of them also enact a small Elemental burst upon surrounding mobs when used, so you've got some good power right there, eh?
Clatts and the Shard of LORE: 18 of the Bosses of Mōtia belong to a group of Bosses; the Great Four Bosses, the Heroic Bosses, the Hungering Bosses, the Bosses of Yore, the Masculine Bosses, the Mythological Bosses and the Parental Bosses. Clatts are basically super Shards that combine the two or four Elements in a particular Boss group into one superpowered item. The Fourboss and Parental Clatts are crafted with one of each Shard in the group, while the others are crafted with two of each Shard in the group. The Shard of LORE, with the Elemental effect of instantaneous death upon the victim, is crafted with one of each of the seven Clatts plus a Shard of Radiation, which doesn't have a Boss group. Select textures by Rayele.
Now, another concept in the mod that I would like to share with you I call "Bossic immunity". It is the ability of a player or mob to be immune to the effects of any Element, dependent on having certain items in the inventory or equipment slots. It's really quite basic: if a mob or player has any block or item that contains Elemental matter (Bits alone aren't enough, neither are Summonors, which technically aren't even made of Bossic Elements at all), that mob or player is not affected by that particular Element. Boss armor items have to be worn to contribute to immunity. Also having a Clatt or an item made from Clatts grants immunity to all Elements contained in the Clatt, and possessing Elemental LORE means immunity to all Elements, even LORE!
Another sort of immunity attainable in the mod is immunity to radiation poisoning, a harmful status effect which spreads from one mob to another that happens to be standing too close to the initial infected one. What happens with immune folk? They can still have the status effect, but it cannot deal them damage, and while it can still spread to other mobs, infected mobs cannot spread it to immune ones. How does one become as the immune folk? There are three ways to do so: 1.) Wear a full set of infused iron armor, with infused iron ingots being crafted using an ingot of iron and eight uranium ingots; 2.) Wear the Infused Iron Bucket on your head, which is the specialized Boss weapon of Radiation--no other armor necessary; or 3.) Have in your inventory Esmeralda, Dr. Flamestrike's girlfriend, which is a 50/50 chance drop from King Yelwisernguma, Boss of Radiation.
And now, the moment y'all have been waiting for! The downloading of the mod! Keep in mind that the mod is still in progress, so while it is very much playable and already has many fun features which can potentially grant hours of amusement, there is still plenty room for possible new additions, changes and bug-fixes. If you see any perceived bugs, have any suggestions for additions or changes, or simply want to comment or complain for some reason or are having issues installing and using the mod (remember, it's for MC release 1.12.2) please email me! The mod is currently playable in tongues such as United States English, United Kingdom English, Pirate Speak, Esperanto, French and even Mōtian, the language of the Bosses of Mōtia!
Click right here below to download the latest version of the Mod of the Agonizer!!!
AgonizerMod_v2024.11.14.1.jar |
Other platforms from which to download the mod:
MCreator (since November 2015)
Modrinth (since July 2024)
MCreator (since November 2015)
Modrinth (since July 2024)
The latest version of the Mod of the Agonizer was uploaded November 14th, 2024 at around 3:40 AM CST.